All times are displayed in the local timezone of your browser. Detected timezone offset compared to UTC:
Breaks: 10 minutes every hour, between xx:50 and xx:10, but it is difficult for us to indicate exactly when.
Day 1 |
, - | Welcome; practical info |
, - | Introduction to NorESM |
, - | Downloading NorESM; basic setup; model structure |
, - | break |
, - | model structure (cont.) |
, - | Options for building and running NorESM; run scripts |
, - | lunch break |
, - | Exercises - Day 1 |
Day 2 |
, - | Setting up different case types |
, - | Configure build and run settings for a case |
, - | break |
, - | NorESM diagnostics, demo |
The goal of the coars is that the participants should be able to set up and run NorESM experiments, run standard diagnostics on the model output, and learn how to contribute to the NorESM model system and supporting infrastructure.
The workshop is intended for Ph.D students, postdocs and scientists who are interested in executing model simulations and learning more about technical aspects around it.