Deadline for registration: Friday 27 October 2023
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Installation help and on-boarding |
Bergen: UiB, Geofysisk Institutt, BCCR room 4020 | |
, - | Installation help for everybody |
Day 1: Basic procedures. |
Goal for the day: Download NorESM; set up experiment; run model; view output | |
Bergen: UiB, Geofysisk Institutt, U105 | |
Oslo: UiO, Georg Sverdrups hus, Grupperom 7 | |
Tromsø: UiT, Institutt for Geovitenskap, rom 2.120, Nunataken | |
, - | Introduction to NorESM |
, - | Introducing NorESM github and documentation Pages |
, - | Getting the NorESM code |
, - | break |
, - | Set up first experiment |
, - | lunch break |
, - | Exercise-1 -- Setup, build and run NorESM |
, - | break |
, - | First look on model output |
, - | Exercise-2 -- Examine model output with ncview |
Day 2: NorESM model structure. |
Goal for the day: Model components; data components; coupler; build procedure | |
Bergen: UiB, Geofysisk Institutt, U105 | |
Oslo: UiO, Georg Sverdrups hus, Grupperom 1 | |
Tromsø: UiT, Institutt for Geovitenskap, rom 2.120, Nunataken | |
, - | Sigma2 HPC resources |
, - | The NorESM model structure |
, - | break |
, - | Setting up a new NorESM case |
, - | Exercise-3 -- "checkout_externals" and "query_config" scripts |
, - | lunch break |
, - | Configure build and run settings for a case |
, - | NorESM log files |
, - | break |
, - | Exercise-4 -- Run pi-control and historical |
Day 3: NorESM model diagnostics. |
Bergen: UiB, Geofysisk Institutt, U105 | |
Oslo: UiO, Geologibygningen, Mellomrommet 102 | |
Tromsø: UiT, Institutt for Geovitenskap, rom 2.120, Nunataken | |
, - | NorESM diagnostics (Yanchun) |
, - | NorESM diagnostics (Yanchun) |
Day 4: NorESM model development. |
Bergen: UiB, Geofysisk Institutt, U105 | |
Oslo: UiO, Geologibygningen, Mellomrommet 102 | |
Tromsø: UiT, Institutt for Geovitenskap, rom 2.120, Nunataken | |
, - | Introduction to NorESM development (Mariana & Steve) |
, - | Introduction to NorESM development (Mariana & Steve) |
The goal of the coars is that the participants should be able to set up and run NorESM experiments, run standard diagnostics on the model output, and learn how to contribute to the NorESM model system and supporting infrastructure.
The workshop is intended for Ph.D students, postdocs and scientists who are interested in executing model simulations and learning more about technical aspects around it.
The workshop is sponsored by CHESS. If you join the workshop as a CHESS student, please indicate this in the registration form.