About INES hackathons

Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System modelling

Objectives of INES

  1. Upgrade and maintain a cutting-edge and verified ESM suitable for the national climate science community and participation in international model intercomparison projects.

  2. Provide an infrastructure for efficient model simulations, storage, analysis and validation available for the national climate science community and collaborating international groups.

  3. For efficient sharing of model data, provide an infrastructure that connects to international data grids and ensures that model data complies with established standards of the climate community.

Why INES hackathons?

Most INES activities are fairly independent from each other and require very little coordination. However separation of concerns is only effective with a well-established and agreed e-infrastructure.

INES hackathons allow INES team members to work together and provide a norESM software environment (code, documentation, data management) for the entire norESM community.

What do we do?

Before the hackathon

To have a successful hackathon, we need 3-4 topics:

  • Each topic needs to be achievable in a day by a team of 3 to 5 persons.
  • Specific goals are set for each topic. It is important to have clear goals and keep in mind that each team will have to deliver a product (documentation, code, scripts, etc.) by the end of the day. Check the expected outcome of each topic to understand what needs to be done.
  • As much as possible, tasks/sub-tasks are defined for each topicsto help each team to achieve the expected outcomes.
  • Each topic has a mentor/facilitator that is also part of the team.

So before each hackathon, we select 3-4 topics, based on the project and community priorities. If you would like to suggest a topic, fill an issue here.

During the hackathon day

Make sure you check the schedule as it may vary from one hackathon to another. All events are listed on the main INES hackathon webpage.

  • We meet online in the morning (around 9:00) and give a bit more details on the chosen topics. Anyone is welcome to ask questions and clarify expected outcomes. This is also when you will be choosing your topic and join a team.
  • We work collaborative by team (either remote or locally in a large meeting room as MetNo).
  • We meet again (online) by the end of the day (about 4:00 pm) to show what each team has achieved.

After the hackathon

We (mentors of each team) write a short summary that we publish on this website.

Who should join and how to join?

Anyone interested in contributing to norESM (students, software experts, researchers, etc.). Read information on each topics and in particular the expected outcomes. We also try to add expertise that may be helpful for fulfilling the tasks. However, there are no requirements and everyone is welcome. Even if you have little programming experience, you will be able to help and learn.

Check the main INES hackathon webpage. INES hackathons are held simultaneously in Oslo (MetNo, MetOS) and Bergen (NORCE). More information is available for each event. In any doubts or if you would like to get more information, write us an issue.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash.