
Data storage#

The data is stored on NIRD @ sigma2



Path to case directory#

on Fram @ sigma2: /cluster/projects/nn2345k/adagj/NorESM/cases/N1850_f19_tn14_11062019

on Vilje @ sigma2: /home/ntnu/adagj/noresm/cases_2.1.0/N1850_f19_tn14_11062019_vilje

Path to diagnostics#


Summary of simulation#

New in this simulation:

  • Spin up simulation moved from Nebula @ nsc.liu to Fram @ sigma2 and an identical simulation on Vilje @ sigma2

Continued to use

  • CESM2.1

  • gamma = 0.264

  • the removal of an inconsistency in the treatment of riverine carbon inputs in iHAMOCC

  • new emission files to avoid mid-month crashes from yr 891. We have not experienced any mid-month crashes after.

  • the long wave aerosol optical depth (AOD) bug fixer

  • the increase in DMS emissions @ high latitudes in order to reduce the net radiation imbalance @TOM (top of model)

  • Nebula @ nsc.liu

  • the increased width of Strait of Gibraltar

  • the increased (x2) error tolerance in energy conservation test in CICE (code changes included in the main CICE code)

  • the modifications to the parameters bkopal, rcalc and ropal in iHAMOCC included as SourceMod

  • the modifications to the convection code included as SourceMod

  • the namelist changes compared to repository for CAM6-Nor, MICOM and CLM5

Simulation specifics#

CESM parent




Run type


Branch time from parent


Simulated years

01-01-1566 - 31-12-1600



Git branch


Git commit





Fram and Vilje

Node allocation#

 <entry id="NTASKS">
        <value compclass="ATM">768</value>
        <value compclass="CPL">768</value>
        <value compclass="OCN">186</value>
        <value compclass="WAV">300</value>
        <value compclass="GLC">768</value>
        <value compclass="ICE">504</value>
        <value compclass="ROF">8</value>
        <value compclass="LND">256</value>
        <value compclass="ESP">1</value>
      <desc>number of tasks for each component</desc>

Code modifications (SourceMods)#

All code modifications merged to featureCESM2.1.0-OsloDevelopment 54075ac, so no SourceMods needed

User name lists#

All user list settings included in the main source code, so no user list settings needed. However, the “old” user_nl_clm (should not have any impact at all)


Reset snow: Remove infiltration excess water as runoff if the temperature of the surface water pool is below freezing.

finidat = '/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/cesm2_init/b.e20.B1850.f09_g17.pi_control.all.297/0308-01-01/b.e20.B1850.f09_g17.pi_control.all.297.clm2.r.0308-01-01-00000.nc'
use_init_interp = .true.
reset_snow = .true.

Time series of spinup#

LMspinup13 NorESM2-LM spinup simulations
Left column (from top to bottom): Globally and annually averaged Net radiation @ top of model, Surface (2m) air temperature, Sea surface temperature (SST), global and volume averaged ocean temperature, Atlantic meridional oveturning circulation (AMOC) @ 26.5N.
Right column (from top to bottom): Globally and annually sum of Sea salt surface emissions, DMS (dimethylsulfide) surface emissions, globally and annually averaged vertically-integrated total cloud cover, shortwave cloud forcing and longwave cloud forcing.