
Data storage#

The data is stored on NIRD @ sigma2


Path to case directory#

on Fram @ sigma2


Path to diagnostics#


Summary of simulation#

New in this simulation:

  • The long wave aerosol optical depth (AOD) bug fixer pmxsub.F90 was replaced by optinterpol.F90

  • Removed the modification to fall speed parameters for droplets

Continued to use:

  • the updated emission files for CAM6-Nor (often referred to as FRC2)

  • the increase in DMS emissions @ high latitudes in order to reduce the net radiation imbalance @TOM (top of model)

  • the increase in width of Strait of Gibraltar from 15 km to 30 km

  • the modifications to the parameterisation of ice clouds (iceopt=5 and cldfrc2m.F90)

  • the modifications to the parameters bkopal, rcalc and ropal in iHAMOCC included as SourceMod

  • the modifications to the convection code included as SourceMod: zm_conv.F90: “zmst” modifications.

  • aerotab_table_dir = ‘/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/noresm-only/atm/cam/camoslo/AeroTab_8jun17’

  • the namelist changes compared to repository as in N1850OCBDRDDMS_f09_tn14_20190411


  • Modification of fall speed parameters for droplets. Included in SourceMod/src.cam/micro_mg_utils.F90 in N1850OCBDRDDMS_f09_tn14_20190411

  • AOD fix in in SourceMod/src.cam/ pmxsub.F90

For all SourceMods and user name list specifics, see bottom of this page

Simulation specifics#

CESM parent




Run type


Branch time from parent


Simulated years

01-01-0301 - 31-12-0360



Git branch


Git commit






Node allocation#

    <entry id="NTASKS">
        <value compclass="ATM">1536</value>
        <value compclass="CPL">1536</value>
        <value compclass="OCN">91</value>
        <value compclass="WAV">300</value>
        <value compclass="GLC">1536</value>
        <value compclass="ICE">736</value>
        <value compclass="ROF">20</value>
        <value compclass="LND">780</value>
        <value compclass="ESP">1</value>
      <desc>number of tasks for each component</desc>

Code modifications (SourceMods)#

Modification of fall speed parameters for droplets#

In components/cam/src/physics/cam/micro_mg_utils.F90

Line 138 from

real(r8), parameter, public :: ai = 700._r8 


real(r8), parameter, public :: ai = 750._r8 

Ice cloud parameterisation changes#

in components/cam/src/physics/cam/cldfrc2m.F90

Line 47 and 48 from

real(r8),  parameter :: qist_min     = 1.e-7_r8      ! Minimum in-stratus ice IWC constraint [ kg/kg ]
real(r8),  parameter :: qist_max     = 5.e-3_r8      ! Maximum in-stratus ice IWC constraint [ kg/kg ]


real(r8),  parameter :: qist_min     = 5.e-6_r8      ! Minimum in-stratus ice IWC constraint [ kg/kg ] 
real(r8),  parameter :: qist_max     = 2.5e-4_r8     ! Maximum in-stratus ice IWC constraint [ kg/kg ]

Line 883 and Line 1137 from

aist = max(0._r8,min(1._r8,qi/qist_min)) 


aist = max(0._r8,min(1._r8,sqrt(aist*qi/qist_min)))

Increase in DMS emissions @ high latitudes#

In components/micom/hamocc/beleg_bgc.F90

Line 191 changed from

epsher = 0.9         !dimensionless fraction -fraction of grazing egested


epsher = 0.85         !dimensionless fraction -fraction of grazing egested

and Line 304

dmspar(5)=1.25*0.109784522E-01  !2*0.02   production with delsil 


dmspar(5)=1.25*0.02          ! production with delsil, following Kloster et al., 06 Table 1, but increased by a factor of 2

Other iHAMOCC modifications#

In components/micom/hamocc/beleg_bgc.F90

Line 209 from

bkopal = 1.e-6    !i.e. 1.0 mmol Si/m3 


bkopal = 5.e-6    !i.e. 1.0 mmol Si/m3 

Line 269 from

#elif defined(WLIN) 
      rcalc = 48.  ! calcium carbonate to organic phosphorous production ratio
      ropal = 35.  ! opal to organic phosphorous production ratio 


#elif defined(WLIN) 
      rcalc = 35.  ! calcium carbonate to organic phosphorous production ratio
      ropal = 45.  ! opal to organic phosphorous production ratio 

Long wave AOD fix#

Long wave aerosol optical depth (AOD) bug fixer: components/cam/src/physics/cam_oslo/optinterpol.F90

Information about the bug: The aerosol long wave calculations used information from the aerosol shortwave interpolation on aerosol size. The result was that aerosol longwave forcing was not included during night. A first estimate based on estimates from AMIP simulation is + 0.03 W/m2. The forcing is not evenly distributed, but mostly focused on Sahara including downstream and the Arabian peninsula. The numbers here are around 1-2 W/m2.

User name lists#

New emission files files in CAM6-Nor (FRC2)#

A new set of emission files have been made to avoid the occurence of random mid-month model crashes. These crashes are related to the reading of emission files, but are still under investigation.

For list of files, please see user_nl_cam below


Gamma controls the skewness of Gaussian PDF for the subgrid vertical velocities (used in the Cloud Layers Unified By Binormals (CLUBB) scheme). A low gamma generally increases the amount of low clouds and hence gives a higher short-wave cloud forcing.


Iceopt is used for setting the parameterisation of ice-cloud fraction. The CESM2 default scheme for the parameterisation of the ice-cloud fraction is iceopt = 5, which includes a functional dependence of ice cloud fraction on the environmental relative humidity.


set CWMWTH = "      30.e3,      30.e3"


! Users should add all user specific namelist changes below in the form of
! namelist_var = new_namelist_value

 fv_am_correction= .true.
 fv_am_diag      = .true.
 fv_am_fix_lbl   = .true.
 fv_am_fixer     = .true.

 dme_energy_adjust = .true.
 aerotab_table_dir = '/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/noresm-only/atm/cam/camoslo/AeroTab_8jun17'

 do_circulation_diags = .true.

 clubb_history  = .false.
 history_budget = .false.
 history_vdiag  = .false.

 zmconv_c0_lnd    =  0.0200D0
 zmconv_c0_ocn    =  0.0200D0
 zmconv_ke        =  8.0E-6

 micro_mg_dcs     = 5.5e-4

 clubb_gamma_coef = 0.283

 tau_0_ubc        = .true.

 cldfrc2m_rhmini =0.90D0

 ext_frc_specifier = 'H2O    ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/elev/H2O_emission_CH4_oxidationx2_elev_3DmonthlyL70_1850climoCMIP6piControl001_y21-50avg_c180802.nc',
         'BC_AX  ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_BC_AX_airALL_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'BC_AX  ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_BC_AX_anthroprofENEIND_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'BC_N   ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_BC_N_airALL_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'BC_N   ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_BC_N_anthroprofENEIND_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'BC_NI  ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_BC_NI_bbAGRIBORFDEFOPEATSAVATEMF_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'OM_NI  ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_OM_NI_airALL_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'OM_NI  ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_OM_NI_anthroprofENEIND_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'OM_NI  ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_OM_NI_bbAGRIBORFDEFOPEATSAVATEMF_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO2    ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO2_airALL_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO2    ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO2_anthroprofENEIND_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO2    ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO2_bbAGRIBORFDEFOPEATSAVATEMF_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO2    ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO2_volcCONTEXPL_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO4_PR ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO4_PR_airALL_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO4_PR ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO4_PR_anthroprofENEIND_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO4_PR ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO4_PR_bbAGRIBORFDEFOPEATSAVATEMF_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc',
         'SO4_PR ->  /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/cmip6_emissions_version20180512/emissions_cmip6_noresm2_SO4_PR_volcCONTEXPL_vertical_1850_0.9x1.25_version20180512.nc'
 tracer_cnst_file  = 'tracer_cnst_WACCM6_halons_3DmonthlyL70_1850climoCMIP6piControl001_y21-50avg_c180802.nc'

 prescribed_ozone_file          = 'ozone_strataero_cyclical_WACCM6_L70_CMIP6-piControl.001_y21-50avg_zm_5day_c180802.nc'



finidat = '/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/cesm2_init/b.e20.B1850.f09_g17.pi_control.all.297/0308-01-01/b.e20.B1850.f09_g17.pi_control.all.297.clm2.r.0308-01-01-00000.nc'
use_init_interp = .true.
reset_snow = .true.

Time series of spinup#

MMspinup6 NorESM2-MM spinup simulation
Left column (from top to bottom): Globally and annually averaged Surface (2m) air temperature, global and volume averaged ocean temperature, Sea surface temperature (SST).
Right column (from top to bottom): Globally and annually Globally and annually averaged Net radiation @ top of model, Atlantic meridional oveturning circulation (AMOC) @ 26.5N.

MMspinup6_emis NorESM2-MM spinup simulation
Left column (from top to bottom): Globally and annually sum of Sea salt surface emissions, DMS (dimethylsulfide) surface emissions, POM (primary organic matter) surface emissions.
Right column (from top to bottom): Globally and annually averaged shortwave cloud forcing and longwave cloud forcing.